Children and Young People Committee

Inquiry into Adoption

We were very well supported throughout the adoption process, we had an assessment nearly every week, which I feel is essential to keep the momentum going, some couples we know who have adopted through local authority only had assessments only once a month, this draws out the process and I feel could put people off adopting for taking so long.


When we first looked at adoption we found a lot of negative stories of why adoption might not be the right decision, I feel that a more positive approach from the media etc and real life stories from people who have adopted and how it has worked out well for them etc would be of some help.


We didn’t know anyone locally who had adopted when we were going through the process but I think this would have helped us to hear it from the ‘horse’s mouth’.


I personally didn’t think the process was too long, it only became slow when local authority became involved and wanted certain things doing, for example dog checks to see if they would be ok around children, this could have been actioned way beforehand like the medical.


The support we received was fantastic, we went into both of our adoptions with our eyes wide open and all the facts and child history etc was made available to us, which is very important therefore avoiding the adoption breaking down.


I can honestly say that adopting two children has been the best thing that we have ever done.  If it was a choice of having our two girls that we have adopted or two birth children, there would be no contest our girls would win everytime!  Thank you St Davids!